Foot bones

The foot is composed of a complex arrangement of bones, which help to support the weight of the body, maintain balance and enable movement. Here is a brief description of the labeled parts of the…

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The piriformis is a small, pear-shaped muscle located deep in the buttock region. Here is a brief description of the labeled parts of the piriformis muscle: Piriformis muscle: The main muscle of the buttock region,…

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Human digestive system

The human digestive system is responsible for breaking down food and absorbing nutrients. A labeled diagram of the digestive system may include the following structures: Mouth: Food enters the mouth and is mechanically broken down…

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Carpal bones

The carpal bones are the eight bones that make up the wrist. A labeled diagram of the carpal bones may include the following bones: Scaphoid bone: The largest carpal bone that forms the floor of…

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