
A butterfly is an insect with two pairs of colorful wings that are covered with scales. Here is a brief description of the labeled parts of a butterfly: Antenna: The sensory appendage on the head…

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Horse Skeleton

The horse skeleton is a complex system of bones that supports the horse’s body, protects its vital organs, and allows it to move. Here is a brief description of the labeled parts of the horse…

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Horse Muscles

The muscles of a horse are complex and powerful, allowing the animal to move and perform tasks such as running, jumping, and carrying riders or loads. Here is a brief description of the labeled parts…

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Scallops are a type of bivalve mollusk that are commonly found in oceans all around the world. Here is a brief description of the labeled parts of a scallop: Adductor muscle: The large muscle that…

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Clams are a type of bivalve mollusk that are commonly found in oceans and freshwater habitats around the world. Here is a brief description of the labeled parts of a clam: Adductor muscle: The large…

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Rhinoceros Muscles

Like all mammals, rhinoceroses have a muscular system that is responsible for movement and support of the body. The muscular system is composed of three main types of muscle tissue: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. The…

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