
Antennae: A pair of long sensory appendages that help the grasshopper to detect its surroundings. Compound Eye: Large compound eyes that enable the grasshopper to see in different directions. Head: The front part of the…

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Mantle: The main body of the squid, which contains the organs and muscles. It is soft and cylindrical in shape. Tentacles: Eight long, slender and flexible arms that extend from the base of the mantle.…

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Central Disc: The center of the starfish, also known as the central disc, is where the organs are located. Arms: The five arms of the starfish extend outward from the central disc and contain rows…

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Rostrum: This is the pointed extension at the front of the head that protects the eyes and antennae. Antennules: These are the shorter antennae on either side of the rostrum that the crayfish uses for…

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Life Cycle of a Frog

The life cycle of a frog can be divided into four stages, each with distinct characteristics. Egg Stage: The life cycle of a frog begins with an egg that is laid in water. The eggs…

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Frog Anatomy

Mouth: The frog’s mouth is used for eating and catching prey. It contains a sticky tongue that can be rapidly extended to capture insects. Nostrils: The frog’s nostrils are located on the top of its…

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