Central Nervous System Labeled Diagram

Central Nervous System diagram

Central Nervous System diagram

Central Nervous System diagram

Central Nervous System diagram

The central nervous system (CNS) is the part of the nervous system that includes the brain and spinal cord. Here is a description of the CNS diagram:

  • Brainstem: This is the lower part of the brain that connects the brain to the spinal cord. It is responsible for controlling many automatic functions, such as breathing and heart rate.
  • Spinal cord: This is a long, thin, tubular bundle of nervous tissue that extends from the brainstem down to the lower back. It serves as a pathway for transmitting information between the brain and the rest of the body.
  • Cerebellum: This is the part of the brain that is responsible for coordinating voluntary movements and maintaining balance and posture.
  • Cerebrum: This is the largest part of the brain and is responsible for many functions, including consciousness, memory, and thought.
  • Frontal lobe: This is the front part of the cerebrum and is responsible for many functions, including motor control, decision-making, and personality.
  • Parietal lobe: This is the middle part of the cerebrum and is responsible for processing sensory information, such as touch, temperature, and pressure.
  • Temporal lobe: This is the lower part of the cerebrum and is responsible for processing auditory information and for memory and emotion.
  • Occipital lobe: This is the back part of the cerebrum and is responsible for processing visual information.
  • Ventricles: These are fluid-filled spaces within the brain that are responsible for producing and circulating cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Meninges: These are three protective layers of tissue that surround the brain and spinal cord.
  • Corpus callosum: This is a bundle of nerve fibers that connects the two hemispheres of the brain and allows them to communicate with each other.
  • Thalamus: This is a part of the brain that is responsible for relaying sensory information to the appropriate part of the cortex.
  • Hypothalamus: This is a part of the brain that is responsible for regulating many bodily functions, such as temperature, hunger, and thirst.
  • Pituitary gland: This is a small gland located at the base of the brain that is responsible for producing and releasing hormones that regulate many bodily functions.
  • Pineal gland: This is a small gland located in the brain that is responsible for producing the hormone melatonin, which helps regulate sleep and wake cycles.