Grasshopper Labeled Diagram

grasshopper diagram

grasshopper diagram

grasshopper diagram

  • Antennae: A pair of long sensory appendages that help the grasshopper to detect its surroundings.
  • Compound Eye: Large compound eyes that enable the grasshopper to see in different directions.
  • Head: The front part of the grasshopper’s body where the sensory organs and mouthparts are located.
  • Thorax: The middle section of the grasshopper’s body where the wings and legs are attached.
  • Wings: Two pairs of wings – front wings (forewings) and hind wings (hindwings), which allow the grasshopper to fly or jump.
  • Legs: Six jointed legs that are used for movement, jumping and walking.
  • Abdomen: The rear part of the grasshopper’s body where the digestive, reproductive and excretory systems are located.
  • Ovipositor: A tube-like structure used by the female grasshopper to lay eggs.
  • Spiracles: Openings on the sides of the abdomen through which the grasshopper breathes.
  • Tympanum: Two sound-receiving organs located on the front legs of the grasshopper.
  • Femur: The largest segment of the leg, located between the thorax and the tibia.
  • Tibia: The second segment of the leg, located between the femur and the tarsus.
  • Tarsus: The third and smallest segment of the leg, located at the end of the leg and used for gripping surfaces.