Life Cycle of a Frog Labeled Diagram

Life Cycle of a Frog diagram

Life Cycle of a Frog diagram

The life cycle of a frog can be divided into four stages, each with distinct characteristics.

Egg Stage:

  • The life cycle of a frog begins with an egg that is laid in water.
  • The eggs are small, black, and jelly-like, and are attached to each other in clusters.
  • Inside the egg, a tadpole begins to develop.

Tadpole Stage:

  • After about 5-25 days, the tadpole hatches from the egg.
  • Tadpoles have a long tail, no legs, and gills for breathing underwater.
  • They feed on algae and other small plants.

Froglet Stage:

  • After about 6-9 weeks, the tadpole begins to develop legs and lose its tail.
  • At this stage, it is called a froglet.
  • The froglet can breathe both in water and on land.

Adult Frog Stage:

  • After about 12-16 weeks, the froglet develops into an adult frog.
  • The adult frog has four legs and no tail.
  • It breathes only with lungs and can live both in water and on land.
  • The adult frog is ready to reproduce and lay eggs, completing the life cycle.