Skeletal Muscle Labeled Diagram

Skeletal Muscle diagram

Skeletal Muscle diagram

Skeletal Muscle diagram

Skeletal Muscle diagram

Skeletal Muscle diagram

  • Epimysium – The epimysium is the outer layer of connective tissue that surrounds the entire muscle.
  • Perimysium – The perimysium is a layer of connective tissue that surrounds each bundle of muscle fibers called fascicles.
  • Fascicle – A fascicle is a bundle of muscle fibers that are surrounded by perimysium.
  • Endomysium – The endomysium is a layer of connective tissue that surrounds each individual muscle fiber.
  • Muscle Fiber – A muscle fiber is a single muscle cell that can contract and produce force.
  • Sarcolemma – The sarcolemma is the plasma membrane that surrounds each muscle fiber.
  • Myofibril – A myofibril is a long, cylindrical structure within the muscle fiber that is responsible for producing force.
  • Sarcomere – The sarcomere is the functional unit of the myofibril and is composed of actin and myosin filaments.
  • Actin Filament – Actin filaments are thin filaments that are responsible for muscle contraction.
  • Myosin Filament – Myosin filaments are thick filaments that are responsible for muscle contraction.
  • Z-Disc – The Z-disc is a protein structure that anchors the actin filaments in place.
  • H-Zone – The H-zone is the central region of the sarcomere where only myosin filaments are present.
  • A-Band – The A-band is the region of the sarcomere where both actin and myosin filaments overlap.
  • I-Band – The I-band is the region of the sarcomere where only actin filaments are present.