
Blowhole: The dolphin’s blowhole is located on top of its head and is used for breathing. Dorsal fin: The dorsal fin is a large fin on the dolphin’s back that helps with balance and stability.…

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Nautilus is a marine creature that belongs to the cephalopod family. Here’s a description of a Nautilus diagram with points: Shell: Nautilus has an external hard shell that is spiral in shape. The shell is…

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Mantle: The main body of the squid, which contains the organs and muscles. It is soft and cylindrical in shape. Tentacles: Eight long, slender and flexible arms that extend from the base of the mantle.…

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Central Disc: The center of the starfish, also known as the central disc, is where the organs are located. Arms: The five arms of the starfish extend outward from the central disc and contain rows…

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