
The pelvis is the lower part of the torso, consisting of a group of bones that provide support to the spinal column, protect the internal organs, and aid in movement. It is divided into two…

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The femur is the longest and strongest bone in the human body, located in the upper leg, between the hip and the knee joints. Here is a brief description of the labeled parts of the…

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Core muscles

The core muscles are a group of muscles that provide support and stability to the trunk and pelvis, helping to maintain good posture, protect the spine, and facilitate movement of the limbs. Here is a…

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A butterfly is an insect with two pairs of colorful wings that are covered with scales. Here is a brief description of the labeled parts of a butterfly: Antenna: The sensory appendage on the head…

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A carrot is a root vegetable that is commonly eaten raw or cooked in a variety of dishes. Here is a brief description of the labeled parts of a carrot: Root: The main edible portion…

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Beans are a type of legume that are widely consumed around the world. Here is a brief description of the labeled parts of a bean: Seed coat: The outer covering of the bean seed, which…

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